
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


2012年的11月份 好像对我很不吉利

8.11.2012 (星期四)
我那时人在sunway, 也哭个半死...
怎么说也养了1年, 说到送人..
星期六, 跑去看它了...
也带了Doggie一起去, 给它们解一解相思愁...
观察了它新主人的家, 肮脏是我唯一能形容的...:(
喊了两声:"小黑..." 就感觉到有股很快很兴奋的小动物冲向我...
它一跳, 就跑进我怀里...
很心疼的是: 新主人说已经帮它洗澡了, 我却闻不到香味:(
到要回家的时刻, 我真的不敢转过头去看它...
眼泪已经在滚了, 真的很舍不得...
它很乖, 只是爱咬东西...
它很爱我, 每次夜归, 他都在门口守着...
它很贪吃, 总爱吃到一半, 跑去抢Doggie的份...
它很贪睡, 总爱睡在碎布或拖地把, 惹得我忙洗脏布...
它很丑, 可是它很温柔...
我不开心时, 它总在一旁, 静静呆着, 头或许仰着; 或许低放在我脚上...
仿佛在对我说: 别伤心难过了,主人...
我总爱说: hand hand...它会把手给我;
然后我又说: another hand...它的另一只手也给了我...
等等 等等
小黑, 对不起..把你送人了..害你在新家哭了几天 :(
我只希望你可以生活得很好, 有人疼, 有的吃...有人定时帮你冲香香..


12.11.2012 (星期一)
那天放学, 把车驾出去...在summit附近等着交通灯...
突然地, 驶来了一群电单车骑士, 穿梭于我的左右两旁...
一巨声, "piang"我左手边的车镜破了...
待我反应得来时, 只拉到书包角...
手机, 皮包, 重要文件 全没了...TT
要追, 却追不得, 都塞着...
没办法, 回家...
脑袋一片空白, 车驾得时快时慢...
忙了一整天, 很累很累...:(
但深夜了, 却睡不着...
闭上眼, 就想起那恐怖的画面..
想起那声音; 想起那无助的心情; 想起那些损失....
整夜就翻来翻去 老早就起身了
爸爸很贴心, 察觉到我睡不好...
平时很少买早餐的他, 买了我爱吃的curry puff...
最无助的时候,谁都记不起..除了家人 !!
很感激Daddy Mummy,虽然有念了我几下;
你们爱的信息我都收在心里, 爱你们 ♥♥
也想说: 对不起, 我竟然让爱车受伤了..

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November :D

Hi, November...
Time fliesss....December is on its way...
Gonna celebrate Christmas and New Year soon...
Cant believe that I'm graduate soon...

It was the most busy and miserable month in 2012..
Rushing with at least two assignments and presentations..

Lets talk about today (7.11.2012)
We went Indah Water for our Environment Health Nursing...
With the smell of faeces....
With the color of faeces....
I was going to faint and vomit...@@
*For its photo, please view it on my facebook*

I done a most crazy thingy in my life !!
Wearing high heel, with my makeup and rain...
From Pavillion, we walked till Berjaya Times Square...
When I reached hostel, my legs and spinal was super pain...
Really cant sleep well at that night...:(

Spent time with buddies are the best moment...
With Laychen, Edward, Jeff...We watched Silent Hill 3D version...
The story was not that scary...
But together with the effect of 3D...
OMG....I dont know how to explain it...

The look for the day !

Decided to went Singapore and interview the nursing job...
Alot of things still in process...
I was scare and nervous...
Still wondering  whether I can make it or not...
But the HIGH salary was attracting me...
Seriously, I Love Money !
3分天注定, 7分靠打拼
No matter how was the result is, I believe I had done my best for it...